CEE C.C. Mei Distinguished Speaker Series - Prof. Emanuela Del Gado - SOFT MATTER IN CONSTRUCTION

Monday, April 24, 2017 - 17:00 to 18:00

More than 20 billion tons of concrete are produced every year, more than any other material on Earth, such that concrete production is responsible for 10% of the whole anthropogenic production of CO2. Reducing CO2 emissions for concrete production is hence essential to meet Greenhouse Gas reduction targets. Strength and other mechanical properties of concrete rely on cement (its main binding agent) and the control of the formation/gelation of calcium-silicate-hydrates (CSH). Lack of scientific insight into the structure and mechanics of CSH is a major obstacle to developing novel green formulations of concrete. In recent years electron microscopy imaging, nano-indentation tests, X-rays and neutron scattering, NMR analysis, and atomistic simulations have elucidated several structural and mechanical features concentrated within a few nanometers. A potential breakthrough has been combining such experimental insights with novel fundamental understanding gained through modeling and numerical simulations, which use statistical and condensed matter physics approaches to tackle the structural and mechanical complexity of the material over critical lengthscales. These achievements provide novel opportunities to transform cement production and use.

Presented by

Prof. Emanuela Del Gado
Location: 1-190


Carol Burke

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