DEAPS: A 5-day Exploration of Extreme Weather & Climate

Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 08:00 to 14:00

EAPS provides a unique environment to study the multi-faceted nature of the science of the Earth and other planets. We thrive on interdisciplinary ventures, seeking to understand the fundamental workings of natural systems by examining physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring across a vast spectrum of time and space.

The EAPS three-day exploration program in Extreme Weather and Climate will cover some of the most interesting and challenging aspect of weather and climate research.

**Today's Schedule**

8:00 - Breakfast at the Resort

9:00 - Activity 4: Hike and geology of the area

11:00 - Depart for Boston, lunch on the way

2:00 - Adjourn at MIT

Presented by

DEAPS 2016
Location: Fox Ridge Resort, North Conway, NH


Lodovica Illari

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