EAPS Senior Thesis Presentations

Friday, May 19, 2017 - 10:00 to 14:30

Each senior in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science will give a talk presenting the results of his or her senior thesis. While 30 minutes is allocated to each talk, the schedule is flexible. If you want to hear a specific talk, please arrive early. Everyone in the EAPS community is encouraged to attend.

10:00 am
Return Levels of Extreme Ozone Events in Urban Areas of the Northeast United States
Elizabeth N. Rider (advisor Prof. Noelle Selin)

Lower Charles River Bathymetry: 108 Years of Fresh Water
Madonna K. Yoder (advisor Prof. Taylor Perron)

Paleohydrological Implications of Calcite/Aragonite Transitions in a Madagascan Stalagmite
Kaylee Brent (advisor Prof. David McGee)

Estimating Climate Sensitivity Using Lower-Troposphere Temperature Response to Volcanic Aerosols
Warittha Panasawatwong (advisor Prof. Paul O'Gorman)

12:00 - 1:00 BREAK for lunch

1:00 pm
A Machine-Learning Approach to Aerosol Classification for Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry
Costa D. Christopoulos (advisor Prof. Dan Cziczo)

Transit Timing Variations of the Exoplanet K2-25b
Ishara Nisley (advisors Dr. Amanda S. Bosh and Dr. Elisabeth R. Newton)

Finding the location of Planet Nine
Brynna Downey (advisor Prof. Jack Wisdom)


Presented by

EAPS Undergraduate Students
Location: 54-915


Vicki McKenna

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