
CGCS is an independent MIT research center in the School of Science, which includes participants from the School of Engineering. CGCS is also active in cooperative efforts involving faculty and researchers from all areas within MIT.
The Center’s research team is comprised of faculty, staff and students, most of whom are affiliated with one of the following academic departments at MIT:

Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Engineering Systems Division (ESD)

Research collaborations with other MIT groups working on related problems involve such areas as systems modeling, ecology, energy, water resources, and data synthesis, for example:

The Darwin Project
Estimating the Circulation & Climate of the Ocean (ECCO2)
Parsons Laboratory for Environmental Science and Engineering
Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate (PAOC)
Energy Initiative (MITei)
MIT/Woods Hole Joint Program
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR)
Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise & Emissions Reduction (PARTNER)
Earth Resources Laboratory
Atmospheric Chemistry
Oceans at MIT

Also, through involvement in collaborative research the Center represents a broad-based endeavor that includes cooperative international efforts with participants worldwide. Examples of these types of activities, which strengthen ties with climate researchers elsewhere, are the following:

Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE)
Community Earth System Model Working Groups (CESM)
World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)
Soil Moisture Active Passive Project (SMAP)
NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS)
Alliance for Global Sustainability (which includes: Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, University of Tokyo, and Chalmers University of Technology)

This interdisciplinary and international approach, which is organized to encourage collaboration of researchers with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, is vital to effectively confront the complex challenge of understanding and predicting global change.