MIT Climate Science Faculty Write Open Letter to President Trump Monday, March 6, 2017

MIT Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate Faculty

March 6, 2017

MIT Faculty working on climate write to President Trump.

March 2, 2017

President Donald Trump
White House
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

It has come to our attention that our colleague Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus at MIT, has sent you a letter urging you to withdraw from the UN climate convention, claiming that actions with respect to global climate are not scientifically justified.

As his colleagues at MIT in the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, all of whom are actively involved in understanding climate, we write to make it clear that this is not a view shared by us, or by the overwhelming majority of other scientists who have devoted their professional lives to careful study of climate science.

The risks to the Earth system associated with increasing levels of carbon dioxide are almost universally agreed by climate scientists to be real ones. These include, but are not limited to, sea level rise, ocean acidification, and increases in extreme flooding and droughts, all with serious consequences for mankind. Professional societies like the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union have released official statements on the concerns of their members about these risks. We owe it to future generations to remain engaged with the international community to seek the widest possible efforts to understand and mitigate those threats.

We hope this information is helpful to you in evaluating the true balance of expert opinion on this important issue.

With Respect,

The faculty of the MIT Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate

Andrew R. Babbin, Assistant Professor, MIT David McGee, Associate Professor, MIT
Edward A. Boyle, Professor, MIT Paul O’Gorman, Professor, MIT
Timothy Cronin, Assistant Professor, MIT R. Alan Plumb, Professor Emeritus, MIT
Daniel Cziczo, Associate Professor, MIT Ronald G. Prinn, Professor, MIT
Kerry A. Emanuel, Professor, MIT Paola Rizzoli, Professor, MIT
Dara Entekhabi, Professor, MIT Daniel Rothman, Professor, MIT
Raffaele Ferrari, Professor, MIT Sara Seager, Professor, MIT
Glenn R. Flierl, Professor, MIT Noelle Eckley Selin, Associate Professor, MIT
Michael Follows, Professor, MIT Susan Solomon, Professor, MIT
Colette L. Heald, Associate Professor, MIT Roger E. Summons, Professor, MIT
John Marshall, Professor, MIT Carl Wunsch, Professor Emeritus, MIT

In the Media

MIT professors are lobbying Trump — against their former colleague Boston Globe

Read InsideClimate News’ coverage.

More at Climate@MIT


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