CGCS Directory

Dr. Stephanie Dutkiewicz

Principal Research Scientist, Center for Global Change Science
Research Staff



Research Interests:
Dr. Dutkiewicz works on elucidating the role of biological activity on the distribution of carbon within the oceans. Her current research aims to improve the representation of air-sea interactions and biogeochemical cycling in the MIT ocean general circulation model (GCM). She is involved in collaborative projects with the MIT Climate Modeling Initiative and The Darwin Project, among others. Her research centers on the cycling of carbon by both the "solubility pump" and "biological pump" in the 3D ocean models. She models the movement of the surface water through sinking and advection that redistributes the carbon concentrations in the ocean, and where biological activity fluxes carbon from the surface waters to the deep ocean.

Publication Examples:

Archibald, K., S. Dutkiewicz, C. Laufkotter, and H. Moeller, 2024. 
Emergent trade-offs among plasticity strategies in mixotrophs. 
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 590, 111854, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2024.111854

Dutkiewicz, S., C. L. Follett, M.J. Follows, F. Henderikx-Freitas, F. Ribalet, M. R. Gradoville, S. Coesel, H. Farnelid, Z. Finkel, A. Irwin, A. White, J. Zehr, and G. Armbrust, 2024. 
Role of interactions in setting phytoplankton community structure in the North East Pacific transition zone. 
Limnology and Oceanographydoi:10.1002/lno.1255 

Anderson, S.I., C. Fronda, S. Clayton, A. Barton, T. Rynearson, and S. Dutkiewicz, 2024. 
Implication of different thermal responses of phytoplankton to climate change.
Global Change Biology, 30, e17903,


Ser-Giacomi, E., R. Martinez-Garcia, S. Dutkiewicz, and M.J. Follows, 2023. 
Dilution-driven heterogeneity modulates Lagrangian ecosystem dynamics. 
Nature Communications, 14, 6092,

Jonsson, B., C. Follett, J. Bien, S. Dutkiewicz, S. Huyn, G. Kulk, G. Forget, C. Mueller, M.-F. Recault, C.N. Hill, T. Jackson, and S. Sathyendranath, 2023. 
Using Probability Density Functions to Evaluate Models (PDFEM, v1.0) to compare a biogeochemical model with satellite derived chlorophyll. 
Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 4639-4657,

Kuhn, A.M., M. Mazloff, S. Dutkiewicz, O. Jahn, S. Clayton, T. Rynearson, and A.D. Barton, 2023. 
A global comparison of chlorophyll variability observed in Eulerian and Lagrangian frameworks. 
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 128, e2023JC019801,

Cael, B.B., K. Bisson, E. Boss, S. Dutkiewicz, and S. Henson, 2023. 
Global climate change trends detected in indicators of surface ocean ecology. 

Millett, N., R. Gast, J. Luo, H. Moeller, K. Stamieszkin, K.H. Anderson, Brownlee, N. Cohen, Duhamel, S. Dutkiewicz, P. Glibert, Johnson, S. Leles, Maloney, McManus, Poulton, Princiotta, Sanders, S. Wilken, 2023. 
Mixoplankton and mixotrophy: Future research Priorities. 
Journal of Plankton Research, fbad020,

Serra-Pompei, C., A. Hickman, G.L. Britten, and S. Dutkiewicz, 2023. 
Assessing the performance of backscattering-based phytoplankton carbon algorithms. 
Global Biogeochemical Cycles., 37, e2022GB007556,

McGinty, N., A.J. Irwin, Z.V. Finkel, and S. Dutkiewicz, 2023
Using biomes to access zooplankton biogeography and seasonality. 
Frontiers in Marine Science, 10,

Meiler, S., G.L. Britten, S. Dutkiewicz, P.H. Moisander, and M.J. Follows, 2023.
Challenges and opportunities in connecting gene count observations with ocean biogeochemical models; Reply to Zehr and Riemann 2022 
Limnology and Oceanography doi: 10.1002/lno.12363.

Bertin, C., D. Carroll, D. Menemenlis, S. Dutkiewicz, H. Zang, A. Matsuoka, S. Tank, M. Manizza, C. Miller, M. Babin, A. Mangin, and V. Le Fouest, 2023. 
Biogeochemical river runoff drives intense coastal Arctic Ocean CO2 outgassing. 
Geophysical Research Letters, 80, e2022GL102377,

Inomura, K., J.J. Pierella Karlusich, S. Dutkiewicz, C. Deutsch, P.J. Harrison, and C. Bowler, 2023. 
High growth rate of diatoms explained by reduced carbon requirement and low energy costs of silica deposition. 
Microbiology Spectrum


Archibald, K., S. Dutkiewicz, C. Laufkotter, and H. Mueller. 
Thermal responses in global marine planktonic food webs mediated through temperature effects on metabolism. 
Journal Geophysical Research-Oceans , 12, e2022JC018932. LINK

Inomura, K., C. Deutsch, O. Jahn, S. Dutkiewicz and M.J. Follows, 2022. 
Global patterns in marine organic matter stoichiometry driven by phytoplankton ecophysiology. 
Nature Geoscience , doi:/10.1038/s41561-022-01066-2 LINK

Gupta, M., R. Williams, J.M. Lauderdale, O. Jahn, C.N. Hill, S. Dutkiewicz, and M.J. Follows, 2022. 
A nutrient relay sustains subtropical ocean productivity. 
Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2206504119. LINK

Tsakalakis, I., M.J. Follows, S. Dutkiewicz, C. Follett, and J. Vallino, 2022. 
Diel light cycles affect phytoplankton competition in the global ocean. 
Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/geb.13562 LINK

Hyun, S., A. Mishra, C. Follett, B. Jonsson, G. Kulk, G. Forget, M.-F. Racault, T. Jackson, S. Dutkiewicz, C. Mueller, J. Bien, 2022. 
Ocean Mover's Distance: Using optimal transport for analyzing oceanographic data. 
Royal Society Proceedings A, 478: 20210875, doi:10.1098/rspa.2021.0875 LINK

Carroll, D., D. Menemenlis, S. Dutkiewicz, J. M. Lauderdale, J.F. Adkins, K.W. Bowman, H. Brix, I. Fenty, M. M. Gierach, C. Hill, O. Jahn, P. Landschützer, M. Manizza, M.R. Mazloff, C.E. Miller, D.S. Schmiel, A. Verdy, D.B. Whitt, H. Zhang, 2022. 
Attribution of space-time variability in global-ocean dissolved organic carbon. 
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, e2021GB007162, doi:10.1029/2021GB007162. LINK

Magnolte, I., Levy, M., S. Dutkiewicz, S. Clayton and O. Jahn, 2022. 
Plankton community response to fronts: Winners and losers. 
Journal of Plankton Research, 1-18, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbac010. LINK

Meiler, S., G.L. Britten, S. Dutkiewicz, O. Jahn, M.R. Gradoville, P.H. Moisander, and M.J. Follows, 2022. 
Constraining uncertainties of diazotroph biogeography from nifH gene abundance. 
Limnology and Oceanography, 9999, 1-14, doi: 10,1002/lno.12036. LINK

Follett, C.L., S. Dutkiewicz, F, Ribalet, E. Zakem, D. Caron, V. Armbrust and M.J. Follows, 2022. 
Trophic Interactions with heterotrophic bacteria limit the range of Prochlorococcus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2110993118, doing:10.1073/pnas.2110993118. LINK

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Contact Information

t: 617-253-2454


Ph.D., Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, 1997
B.S., Physics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, 1991