CGCS Directory

Dr. Chris Forest
Biographical Statement:
Dr. Forest is involved in several projects to further our understanding of anthropogenic forcing of climate and the uncertainty in climate forecasting. From 1999-2008 he was a Research Scientist at MIT with the Global Change Joint Program. Although he is now at Penn. State University, he continues his involvement in collaborative projects with the MIT program. One focus of his research involves using MIT's two-dimensional climate model to examine the uncertainty of climate projections and their relation with uncertainty in forcing parameters as well as nonlinear interactions. His related interests are in radiative transfer through the atmospheric column, paleoclimate, paleobotany, paleotopography, weather forecasting, and stationary wave phenomena.
Selected Publications:
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov, 2008: Constraining climate model parameters from observed 20th century changes, Tellus A, 60(5): 911-920
Forest, C.E., 2007: Paleoaltimetry: A review of thermodynamic methods, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 66(1): 173-193
Stott, P.A., and C.E. Forest, 2007: Ensemble climate predictions using climate models and observational constraints, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 365: 2028-2052
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov, 2006: Estimated PDFs of climate system properties including natural and anthropogenic forcings, Geophysical Research Letters, 33: L01705
Sarofim, M.C., C.E. Forest, D.M. Reiner and J.M. Reilly, 2005: Stabilization and global climate policy, Global and Planetary Change, 47(2-4): 266-272
Forest, C.E., M. Webster and J. Reilly, 2004: Global climate change: Reducing the odds of serious impacts, The Industrial Physicist, 10(4): 20-23
Webster, M., C. Forest, J. Reilly, M. Babiker, D. Kicklighter, M. Mayer, R. Prinn, M. Sarofim, A. Sokolov, P. Stone and C. Wang, 2003: Uncertainty analysis of climate change and policy response, Climatic Change, 61(3): 295-320
Sokolov, A.P., C.E. Forest and P.H. Stone, 2003: Comparing oceanic heat uptake in AOGCM transient climate change experiments, Journal of Climate, 16(10): 1573-1582
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone and H.D. Jacoby, 2002: Human influence on climate, Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 17(2) (Summer): 47-51
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone, A.P. Sokolov, M.R. Allen and M. Webster, 2002: Quantifying uncertainties in climate system properties with the use of recent climate observations, Science, 295(5552): 113-117
Forest, C.E., M.R. Allen, A.P. Sokolov and P.H. Stone, 2001: Constraining climate model properties using optimal fingerprint detection methods, Climate Dynamics, 18(3/4): 277-295
Forest, C.E., M.R. Allen, P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov, 2000: Constraining uncertainties in climate models using climate change detection techniques, Geophysical Research Letters, 27(4): 569-572
Identifying Structures and Impacts of Uncertainty on Climate Change Detection Results/a>An Improved Model of Endogenous Technical Change Considering Uncertain R&D Returns and Uncertain Climate Response
Quantifying Climate Feedbacks from Abrupt Changes in High-Latitude Trace-Gas Emissions
Contact Information
t: 814-865-0710
B.S., Applied Math, Engineering, and Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1990
Ph.D., Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996