CGCS Directory

Dr. Anthony (Yik Hong) Wong
Selin Group; Center for Global Change Science; Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Research Statement
Dr. Wong is a postdoctoral associate with Prof. Noelle Selin. He is interested on how terrestrial ecosystems and nitrogen cycle interact with climate and air quality. His experience working as a research assistant with Prof. Amos Tai at Chinese University of Hong Kong sparked his interest in atmosphere-biosphere interactions. Working on the same topic, he received his Ph.D. in Earth and Environment from Boston University, supervised by Prof. Jeffrey Geddes. While retaining interest in atmosphere-biosphere interaction, his desire of doing actionable science motivates his current pursuit of evaluating the air quality impacts of using ammonia as an alternative shipping fuel.
Contact Information
t: 617-253-8426
Ph.D. in Earth and Environment, Boston University, 2017 – 2022
B.Sc. in Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011 – 2015