
There are several suggested academic undergraduate programs leading to Bachelor of Science (S.B. or B.S.) degrees at MIT that can effectively accomodate interests in climate and environmental studies.

For example, the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) and its Program on Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate (PAOC) offer degrees in Atmospheres, Oceans & Climate and Environmental Science, both of which expose students to a wide range of earth science topics, while allowing the flexibility to choose a specific area of focus. Similarly, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) degree in Environmental Engineering provides a solid understanding of and ability to apply the fundamentals of the physical, chemical and biological sciences, treatment and control, economics, and public policy, as they relate to environmental engineering.

A bacherlor's degree from either EAPS or CEE provides an excellent foundation for graduate study and research in both basic and applied environmental science and engineering disciplines. Both major and minor degree programs are offered by CEE and EAPS.

It is recommended that in-coming Freshmen explore the Terrascope program, regardless of the expected academic departmental affiliation (undergraduates usually do not declare a major until their second year of study). Terrascope provides opportunities for first-year students to explore basic science and engineering concepts through the study of Planet Earth. High school students accepted for undergraduate study at MIT are encouraged to apply for participation in the program during the summer before arrival at the Institute.

All MIT undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to become involved in research through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Several undergraduate research opportunities for hands-on field studies and laboratory work are available.

A few of the suggested undergraduate courses offerings relevant to global change science include:

  • Global Change Science (12.300J/1.11J)
  • Past and Present Climate (12.301)
  • Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (12.003)
  • Environmental Earth Science (12.102)
  • Nonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos (12.006J/18.353J)
  • Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (12.306)
  • Fluid Physics (12.330J/8.292J)
  • An Introduction to Weather Forecasting (12.310)
  • Experimental Oceanography (12.311)
  • Fundamentals of Ecology (1.018J/7.30J)
  • Environmental Chemistry and Biology (1.080)
  • Environmental Chemistry and Biology Laboratory (1.107)
  • Introduction to Hydrology (1.070J/12.320J)
  • Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution (12.163)
  • Introduction to Environmental Engineering (1.016)
  • Transport Processes in the Environment (1.061)
  • Environmental Fluid Transport Processes and Hydrology Laboratory (1.106)
  • Thermodynamics and Kinectics (5.60)

    Other undergraduate subjects that might be of interest:
  • Strange Bedfellows: Science and Environmental Policy (12.103)
  • Air Pollution: Processes Controls (1.082)
  • Transport Processes (10.302)
  • Archaeological Science (12.011J/5.24J/3.985J)
  • Alternate Energy Sources (12.213)
  • Environment and Society (11.122)
  • Environmental Policy and Economics (14.42)
  • Science, Technology, and Public Policy (17.310J/STS.482J)
  • Policy Choice and Global Environmental Issues (17.413)